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Withdrawal Policy

1. Before a student starts the course

If a student wishes to withdraw before their class commences, the Academy of Makeup must obtain written notification of the intention to withdraw. The Academy of Makeup will proceed to issue the “Withdrawal Application Form” within 10 days of receiving the student’s written notification to withdraw. The Academy of Makeup will not consider requests to withdraw unless the student has properly completed and submitted the “Withdrawal Application Form”. Verbal requests will not be considered by the Academy of Makeup. The Academy of Makeup also encourages students to speak directly to the Academy Manager about their reason for withdrawing. If a student withdraws before their course starts, the deposit is not refundable.

2. After a student has started the course

If a student wishes to withdraw after their class commences, the Academy of Makeup must obtain written notification of the intention to withdraw. The Academy of Makeup will proceed to issue the “Withdrawal Application Form” within 10 days of receiving the students written notification to withdraw. The Academy of Makeup will not consider requests to withdraw unless the student has properly completed and submitted the “Withdrawal Application Form”.

 Until the “Withdrawal Application Form” has been received and approved, the student is still liable to continue making any payments due in relation to their course. If the student withdraws from the course after it has started, the deposit, administration fee and any course fees paid to date are not refundable, (refer to payments and refunds policy).

 3. If a student ceases attendance

If a student regularly fails to attend class (i.e. stops attending the course for more than six consecutive classes), and has not notified their Head Trainer of the reason for their absence from the course, the Academy of Makeup may assume that the student is no longer attending the course and the Academy of Makeup may cancel their enrolment. In this case, the student

will forfeit any fees paid and any chance to return at a later time.

The Academy of Makeup will continue to deduct course fees until we receive the signed Withdrawal Form. The Academy of Makeup is under no obligation to refund the course fees for classes not attended if the student has failed to submit the Withdrawal Form.

The withdrawal procedure and refunds/payment requirements for students eligible for VET Student Loans or enrolled in VET Units of Study, are subject to the provisions outlined in the VET Student Loans tab of this website. This policy does not apply to VSL students.