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VET Student Loans Student Admission Procedures



Academy of Makeup & Hair Pty Ltd (Academy of Makeup) supports the concept of equal opportunity and is committed to providing all applicants equity of access to its courses. This policy is designed to clearly set out the selection and admission requirements for approved courses offered by Academy of Makeup.


For the purposes of this document the following applies:

The Act: Refers to the VET Student Loans Act 2016

Student: refers to an eligible student who uses a VET student loan to pay all or part of their tuition fees.

Approved Course: refers to a course that has been approved for eligible Students to use a VET student loan to pay for all or part of their tuition fees.

Tuition Fees: refers to fees paid for an Approved Course.

Potential Student: refers to all persons seeking to enrol in an Approved Course.

The Department: refers to the Commonwealth of Australia represented by the department which has the responsibility for administering the VET Student Loans Act 2016.

1.0 Fair Treatment and Equal Benefits and Opportunity

1.1 Academy of Makeup will treat fairly all Students and Potential Students.

1.2 Academy of Makeup has open, fair and transparent procedures, based on merit for making decisions about:

  1. the selection, from among Potential Students; and
  2. the treatment of Students.

1.3 Potential Students seeking to enrol in an Approved Course with Academy of Makeup, regardless of their background, circumstances or eligibility for funding will be assessed for entry to study through the same published entry requirements and through the same process.

1.4 The above undertakings do not prevent Academy of Makeup taking into account that Students may be enrolled in an Approved Course through an arrangement that was entered into between Academy of Makeup and an employer or industry body and limits or restricts enrolments in some or all of the places in the Approved Course.

2.0 Student Selection

2.1 Entry requirements for Approved Courses

To be eligible for entry into an Approved Course a Potential Student must:

  • has a FEE – HELP Balance that is more than $0
  • Apply to the government using the approved from and include all relevant information.
  • Confirm his or her engagement and progression to continue to assess the loan throughout the course, when required to do so by the department.
  • Meet the citizenship and residency requirements
              • be an Australian citizen or
              • a qualifying New Zealand citizen or
              • a permanent humanitarian visa holder


2.2 Academic suitability requirements

To undertake an Approved Course a Student must be academically suited.

A Student is academically suited when:

  • the Student has met Academy of Makeup’s entry requirements for the Approved Course (set out above); and
  • Academy of Makeup believes on reasonable grounds that the Student is academically suited to undertake the Approved Course; and
  • the Student satisfies one of the following requirements:
    • Academy of Makeup obtains a copy of a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education that has been awarded to the Student by an agency or authority of a State or Territory for the student’s completion of Year 12; or
    • the Student is assessed as displaying competence at or above Exit Level 3 in the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) in both reading and numeracy using an approved assessment tool, and Academy of Makeup reasonably believes that the Student displays that competence; or
    • Academy of Makeup obtains a copy of a certificate that a Student has been awarded:
      • a qualification at level 4 or above in the Australian Qualifications Framework; or
      • a qualification that has been assessed by a Federal, State or Territory government agency which assesses overseas qualifications (or an organisation contracted by such an agency to undertake such assessments) as equivalent or comparable to a qualification at level 4 or above in the Australian Qualifications Framework;
      • and the course for the qualification was delivered in English.


If a Student does not have a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or certificate of a qualification at level 4 or above (delivered in English) then Academy of Makeup will assess the Student’s competence at or above Exit Level 3 in the ACSF reading and numeracy using the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment. This process will be conducted with honesty and integrity. The Academy of Makeup uses the “LLN Robot” assessment tool, which is administered by the Learning Resources group.

The results of this test will be reported to the Student as soon as practicable after the assessment and to the Secretary of the Department on request. Academy of Makeup will retain the results of a Student’s academic suitability for at least 5 years.

3.0 Communicating to Potential Students Prior to Enrolment

3.1 Academy of Makeup will ensure that Potential Students are fully informed of the Tuition Fees and any other fees that apply to the Approved Course; and are clear about their responsibilities, obligations and rights if they enrol in an Approved Course; and are clear about their responsibilities, obligations and rights if they apply for a VET student loan.

3.2 Before enrolling a Potential Student in an Approved Course, Academy of Makeup will provide each applicant the following information:

  • all information required to be provided under the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations that relates to ensuring that each Student is properly informed and protected;
  • the Tuition Fees for the Approved Course;
  • any fees other than Tuition Fees that are payable for the Approved Course;
  • the Student’s options for paying Tuition Fees, including payment by the student as fees become due; and/or a VET student loan;
  • information about VET student loans, including that it is a loan from the Commonwealth; and that the loan will remain a personal debt until it is repaid to the Commonwealth; and that the loan may, until the debt is repaid, reduce a Student’s take-home (after-tax) wage or salary and may reduce the Student’s borrowing capacity; and that a Student may wish to seek independent financial advice before applying for a loan.
  • the criteria for being an eligible student for a VET student loan and the application process for a VET student loan.
  • an explanation that the Student may be required during the Approved Course to communicate their agreement to the Secretary to continue to use the VET student loan to pay Tuition Fees for the Approved Course.
  • the maximum amount of a VET student loan that may be available for the Approved Course and an explanation that the amount of the loan cannot be greater than the Student’s remaining FEE-HELP balance;
  • the amount of HELP debt the Student would accrue if the Student received the maximum amount of VET student loan for the Approved Course and that the debt could be up to 120% of the loan;
  • an explanation that the Tuition Fees will be reasonably apportioned across a specified number of sequential fee periods and that each fee period will contain at least one census day;
  • information about census days, including the meaning of a census day; and that a Student may cancel their enrolment in the Approved Course or part of the Course using Academy of Makeup’s procedure for withdrawal; and if a Student withdraws before the census day for an Approved Course or part of a Course, the Student will not incur a VET student loan debt for the Approved Course or part of the Course and will receive a refund for any tuition fees already paid for the Approved Course or part of the Course;
  • how to access on Academy of Makeup’s website the Tuition Fees for the Approved Course; the census days for the Approved Course; Academy of Makeup’s procedures for withdrawal from the Approved Course and cancellation of enrolment; and other procedures relevant to the Student.
  • advice that it is important for an enrolled Student to notify on Academy of Makeup of any change of contact details.

3.3 Academy of Makeup will retain the information provided to a student before enrolment as specified above for a period of at least 5 years.

4.0 Application and Enrolment Process

4.1 Applications can be made in writing on the Application Form and then sending it to , or by completing the online application form available at

4.2 The Administration/ Admissions assesses the application against the course entry requirements and academic suitability requirements. Where the application is not complete or if further information is required to make an assessment of whether the Potential Student has met the course entry requirements and academic suitability requirements, the applicant will be given the opportunity to provide further information.

4.3 Potential Students who do not meet the course entry requirements and academic suitability requirements will be notified in writing of the reasons for non-acceptance. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised of their right to appeal the decision and how to access the appeals process.

4.4 Potential Students who meet the course entry requirements and academic suitability requirements will be sent a Letter of Offer confirming their place in the Approved Course. Following acceptance of the offer the applicant is sent information about enrolment explaining all aspects of the Approved Course including start date, payment options and details of student orientation. Included in the information provided to Students will be full details of any and all fees applicable to the Approved Course including any fees other than Tuition Fees that may apply. In the case of fees that are not Tuition Fees Academy of Makeup will ensure that Students understand that the fees are not for tuition; the purpose of the fees; the student’s total liability for the fees; and when and how the fees are to be paid. Fees will never be charged for assessments to determine whether a student is academically suited to undertake an Approved Course or applying for enrolment, or enrolling in, an Approved Course.

4.5 A record of the Student’s enrolment, including the date and time of enrolment in the Approved Course will be maintained for a period of at least 5 years.

5.0 Application for VET student loan

5.1 An application for a VET student loan must not be made until at least 2 business days after a Student enrols in an Approved Course and can be made up until the census day for the Approved Course or part of the Course. Applications must be signed by the Student. Where the Student is under 18 years of age the application must be co-signed by a responsible parent (if the Student has a responsible parent and the Student has not received youth allowance (within the meaning of the Social Security Act 1991) on the basis that the Student is independent.

5.2 If a Student applies for a VET student loan Academy of Makeup will collect and verify the following information from applicants:

  • information about the Student’s identity and date of birth;
  • if the Student is under 18, information that one of the signatories on the application is a responsible parent of the Student or the Student has received youth allowance (within the meaning of the Social Security Act 1991) on the basis that the Student is independent;
  • information and documents to establish that the Student meets the requirements of section 11 of the Act including:
    • details of citizenship and residency
    • details of academic suitability (as per this procedure);
  • if the Student has applied for, but not been issued with, a tax file number, a certificate from the Commissioner that the student has applied for a tax file number.

5.3 Information and documents collected for the purposes of, or in relation to, an application by a Student for a VET student loan (including the date and time the application is received) will be kept for a period of at least 5 years.

6.0 Publication

6.1 These Student Admission Procedures for Approved Courses will be made available to Students and Potential Students through publication on the website: